
About Me / Why I wrote this

4 years ago I was building a "Mindcraft" computer with my son to show him how things work... while searching through component options I saw random references to crypto mining and thought... "I should do that in the background".  I didn't.  I could be rich.  I'm not.

Fast-forward...  I had done my reading and resolved to buy some bitcoin.  Bitcoin was 4,211 USD and I was ready to link my bank account to an exchange and buy part of a coin with fiat.  YIKES!  The exchanges make it so hard in the US.  You have to give way way too much personal information.  It's not that I think or are out to steal my identity, but they are making themselves into too sweet of a honeypot for me to risk giving them my credentials.  Nope.  I would have to turn fiat into crypto via mining.  My adventure was about to begin.

I bought myself a Vega 64 as the first step in a fun hobby that would ultimately lead to
four Vegas (2x Vega 64, 2x Vega 56) 
five Vegas (2x Vega 64, 3x Vega 56)
seven Vegas (4x Vega 64, 3x Vega 56).
I am enjoying the new hobby and have learned a lot.  There are several posts and snipits out there that helped me along the way but as I chatted with people online there was no one reference I could point to that describes the combination that works best for me.  This is intended to be that reference.

If your looking for me the absolute best way is to Direct Message me on the slack channel <Click Here To Join>.  I can likely be found via PM on on Reddit (u/CircusDad) or from time to time you can catch me on the SupportXMR chat.  I go by "@CircusDad".

I Hope This Helped!

I really hope this site helps get you on your way to mining with Vegas.
  • If this helped you then please help spread the word that it works.  I wrote the guide to help people out and I get a kick out of watching the page view count go up :-)
  • Remember, this is a consolidated guide and much of the content did not originate with me.  The originators I pulled from have all been attributed and should not be forgotten.  If you are feeling so inclined... the XMR account of a few key players are:
  • As for me (u/CircusDad), I had originally decided not to post an XMR address but I am spending a lot of time answering questions and maintaining this as a consolidated guide to mining Vega's.  I love knowing how many people this guide has helped and enjoy offering it as a free online resource.  That will never change.  But, some might be in a position to give back and CircusWife and I would appreciate it if those who can afford it would send what they can as a show of support.   
    • XMR: 46yn37Go9nP66k2bCy9uQsgsXtJExcZzST78SL2QfU5w7JCZneZRNGCNtfJL49BfEfckPii9g23TiBTdnHct6AQL444nDpY
    • ETH: 0x0Db3B49F4075eA688d89E86cbd5750890687F066
    • NANO: xrb_3bqdyojqj1tg7ddd94nado8zcbbduwkzrrje8znuhgot9gacdcan5sspzzni
    • BTC:  17gywiZLp7BPM2ZZu6FMW57ANswBGuxycJ
  • Whether you are in a position to give or not, please shoot me Direct Message on our Slack Channel or PM on Reddit (u/CircusDad)...  I'd love to know this is helping people.  (Positive feedback only ;-)


Very nice Guide, Thanks! Not rich enough to buy Vegas, but was a good list to crosscheck against my own journey, mistakes and steps I have taken myself in setting up y mining cards.

You have a very thorough approach, congratulations for creating the blog!


Getting insta artefacts when setting "intensity" : 1932 x2 in card.

using cast-xmr just fine.

do you have any tips for this problem?


This blog needs an award of the upmost highest degree!


If you have an iGPU you should be using that for your monitor. If you have an open slot in your MB, get a non-vega for your first 16x PCIe slot and and hook your monitor to that. If you absolutely must have your Vega serve your monitor... you can find success but it will be hard. You likely need to reduce the intensity for that particular Vega (try 1800/1800). Alternatively, you could use an HDMI dongle ( ) and always remote into your computer.


Hi, thank you for the great work, I have 2020 H/s per Vega 64 :)
Could you give me the nvidia settings for the GTX 750 Ti 2GB? Thanks


Awesome article! You have helped me out so much. I was struggling for about a week and a half to get my Vega 56 speeds up. I was getting a paltry 1230 KH/s (I was doubling it as a gaming rig but decided to commit it to fulltime mining; I have a Geforce 1070ti and 1080 to fall back on).
After reading your article, I grew some hair, my voice deepened and I am now knocking out 1920 KH/s on my Vega 56 (no BIOS mod).

I do have a question however. After setting your Overdriventool ini file and running your batch file to set the clocks, when you launch the Overdriventool GUI afterwards do your P0-P5 GPU clocks stick to OEM? My P0-P5 states remain at stock despite having them set in the ini file (but it doesn't really matter since my clock sticks to P7 most of the time anyway, just curious).

Couple of notes:
First about the hash dips. I've been looking into why the Vega can lose 300 - 400 H/s at times. As it turns out, it goes into 'power save' mode because it determines that there is no display output. Since I was using my Vega as primary GPU for gaming, I noticed that whenever my monitor went to sleep the hashes would drop shortly after and would stay down, never recovering even though I turn the monitor back on. On a hunch, I bought a FIT headless HDMI adapter off Amazon ($8.50). Plugging it in, and setting the dummy monitor as an extended monitor display with a resolution of 800x600, I have seen no huge hash dips since.
(I say give it a shot and disable the Jericho script for the time being to verify if my findings are true or if it is just my card).

Second, I don't believe that a huge page file is necessary. I can only confirm for xmr-stak and I know Claymore tends to use the paging system but with enough system RAM, paging file can be turned off; I am running 16 GB on my system with no page file set. The page file may also be unnecessary since the group policy in one of the steps (I didn't do this either since I don't use page system) is set to force programs to use system RAM instead of page filing. The group policy in a sense makes the huge page file pointless.

Lastly, I've developed an application (written in C# .Net 4.6) that hunts down video devices using the AMD Blockchain driver and disables it and re-enables it. No script needed. No need to hunt for PNP Device ID. I may post it somewhere... just not sure where since I don't get involved on blogs, social media, etc. Just had to give a shout out for the help you provided. I looked at other sites, YouTube videos... but you got me there.

Anyway, thanks for the article. It helped me greatly.


So far the hash rate drop doesn't seem to tie to display output alone, I have encountered a drop when firing up GPU-Z or any other monitoring tool, and occasionally high temp could cause the card to throttle hence the hash rate drop. Even starting another miner when Vega is running (for a different card with different program) could also cause the drop.

Effectively with Jericho Jones script you have a failsafe in case the hashrate drop when you aren't around to monitor it. It's great to have the Vega hashing optimally but never hurt to have a failsafe.

With regards to disabling and re-enabling driver, may I know how is it similar to disabling and enabling the Vega GPU? Is that what the system does at the back end when we do a GPU disable and enable in device manager? Thanks.


Hello, if I follow your guide, the vega 56 warranty is void?


I'm having difficulty understanding how i should alter the values after GPU_P6, GPU_P7 and MEM_P3 in order to optimize the system. Do i change the first or second value after each and in what direction to achieve more efficient operation? Please advise.


I found your site after doing my google research and building a vega rig. Since I have shared your guide with many new vega miners entering the scene. Great work and thank you.


Thanks so much for this. Saved me alot of pain and headaches. My only issue is that JJ_hashmonitor keeps restarting because it says waiting or hashrate to stabalize then "Stak is not returning good hash data, restarting in 10 secs" I am not using Stak 2.0 but the Stak Amd Not TLS.


CircusDad, I followed the instructions completely, but I had big problems with the stability: BSOD, video tdr failure. Nothing from the faq did help, so I tried to follow the instructions of the hellae user on reddit, but only in the part of flashing the card to vega 64 and applying a new safe .reg file.
Finally I managed to get a stable hash rate of 1950+ with a slight increase in consumption:
Overdrive ini:
GPU_P0 = 852, 800
GPU_P1 = 991; 900
GPU_P2 = 1084; 900
GPU_P3 = 1138; 900
GPU_P4 = 1150; 900
GPU_P5 = 1202; 900
GPU_P6 = 1212; 910
GPU_P7 = 1408; 920
Mem_P0 = 167, 800
Mem_P1 = 500, 800
Mem_P2 = 800; 900
Mem_P3 = 1100; 920
Fan_Min = 3000
Fan_Max = 4900
Fan_Target = 75
Fan_Acoustic = 2400
Power_Temp = 85
Power_Target = 0

I lost a week of attempts and errors but now I finally have a stable system that with two Vega 56+ corei3 8100 gives 4050 H / s (one core reserved for graphics cards). Consumption 375W from the wall.

You've been helping the whole community, thank you!


Hello CircusDad,

I followed your instructions and completed my rig yesterday 19.12.2017.
7x Vega 64 + 1x Vega 56 (flashed to 64) = 16336H/s at Hashrate report.
I have run it 3 hours now and miningpoolhub shows like 14,5H/s.
Does 1100MHz HBM @ 905mV power play table (that u/Hellea previously posted for free) have SoC 1200MHz? I don´t understand much about these but is it possible to tweak my rig more? or is it at maximum?
I have free electricity and cooling.

Best regards,
Markus Tuominen


And what temperature and/or (mem+gpu+soc) clock rate monitors do you recommend?
HWmonitor doesn´t show voltages correctly, temperature is right i guess.
GPUz slows down hashrate like you said, do not use.

Markus Tuominen


Excellent guide! Have got everything up and working up till JJ's Hash Monitor. As previous post says the link is 404 and had been for days. I've searched around and could not find a direct link. Any update @CircusDad?


Nope. My guide does not alter the Bios so warranty should still be good to go.


Good question. Hopefully the are now answered in the tuning guide (which was not written when you asked the question)


My guess is you have the XMR-Stak and JJs_HashMonitor using different ports. Make sure they are the same.


Sorry you had so much trouble but glad you are up and running. I now have and extended section on this issue in the FAQ. If you get this message, you might want to check back as it includes newer .reg files that will set the P0 to P5 values that are not actually changeable via OverdriveNTool.ini (might save you a little power consumption). Good luck and thanks for the feedback.


Congrats on getting your miner up and running. I don't know if you saw the tuning guide here ( ) but it might give you some help as you look to tune things hotter. I personally use the tuning guide to tune for power efficiency at the 1100MHz rate but if you wanted to push past 1100MHz you should be able to try (if your card can handle it). If you find out the file stops you, let me know and I will make one that lets you.


Link is now back up. Sorry for the delay. (FYI - Steve is not crazy, there was a previous post talking about the 404 but I deleted it since it also included a link with code of questionable origin that I could no verify).

JJs_HashMonitor is available again:


great work. I cannot explain how helpful this guide has been for me. It's literally plug and play, or rather, copy paste then hash.

2 questions.

I am using the asus mining expert motherboard and it has a feature where it can automatically start a .bat or .exe file the moment the computer starts. but the scripts shortcut or .cmd file so anyway to make it work?


how much of a hashdiff should I set? I set my 6x vega64's hashdiff at 600 and it resets itself every 30mins. I made sure the fan speed is at least 3600rpm because it's about 30 plus C ambient here so the HBM2 temps never reach above 75degC.


According to your guide I should install Display Driver only and no other AMD software. But how do I enable HCBB without Wattman?
I can reach 1950 H/s with Wattman with HCBB enabled, but when I remove Wattman (DDU Uninstall, and install Blockchain driver only) I'm stuck at
~1700 H/s from startup so it's not a "hash drop", I never reach above 1720 H/s when I follow your guide.
(I've tried to restart display drivers etc)

Thanks for sharing such an detailed guide!


Hi tsh.

(1) the script is a ".cmd" file but it should work just the same if you rename the extension to ".bat". Hopefully that is an easy way to get you to your goal.

(2) 6 Vega's at 600 should be good for a dedicated miner. If you are using your computer in a non-dedicated way, your actions may be causing the hash drop.... especially if you are also doing CPU mining which can change a lot when you use the computer. Another option is if you have the screen set to "sleep" after 30 minutes and that is what's catching you (though the guide would have stopped that). Finally, you mentioned knowing the HBM2 temps. The software you are using the monitor that could absolutely be causing your hash drop. Hopefully you are not using GPUz (since it says not to in the guide). I added a link to HWiNFO to the base of the Tuning page. Try uninstalling whatever you are using and using that link instead.

Good luck! (Hash drop every 30 minutes is something you will definitively want to solve)


I assure you there is no need to enable HCBB. Many people have affirmed this and I set up someones rig for the first time just last night and got the full hash rate without any Wattman. I appreciate that this is frustrating for you but unfortunately there are not really enough details here for me to suggest what it might be that is causing your issue... other then to know that it is not an HCBB/Wattman issue (as much as it might seem like it is). Sorry and Good Luck!


Hi circusdad, very detailed guide. Thanks a lot. Im building my first vega rig, im wondering can we just put our monitor to motherboard graphic slot instead of our VGA?


If I understand your questions correctly... Yes. If your Motherboard has a place for your monitor to attach and your CPU supports the integrated display (that means you have an iGPU). If that is your case then you can, and should, attach your monitor to the motherboard. Good luck with your rig!


I followed your instructions and made the Bat file for NTool. Ran the file and all Vega 64s and 56 started running fan at high RPM (loud noise). Now how do i stop the fan running at high speed? i was just checking the file and not mining at that time.



I am trying to figure out which Radeon RX Vega in OverdriveNTool is which card. Is there anyway to figure that out? I have 4 RX 64 and 1 56. I was able to figure out the 56 as it had different clock speeds but the 4 64s have same clock speed and very different hash rates. Thanks


Hi CircusDad, thanks a bunch for your guide!

I managed to get it to work except one problem with the hash monitor script.

The script starts and does its job, but it always restarts each minute even though i have no hash drop.

I attached a picture of the problem:

As you can see it says: "Waiting for STAK the HTTP daemon to start."

then it keeps saying: "STAK NOT READY"
And forces a restart each 60 seconds.

What part am I missing?

Thanks a lot in advance!



Hi it's me again, Frank.
I forgot to mention that the miner works while running this short 1 minute, before being restarted by the script.


oh i see, my motherboard can select main graphic adapter in bios, and i use it on my nvidia, the vega is much more stable now. one more question, if we tune the vega using overdrivetool is it safe to tweak and apply the setting while the miner is running or we need to close it first?


Yes. You can apply OverdriveNTool changes while the miner is running. However, be advised that after you make too many changes they stop having an impact until you reset (which I do not advise while miner is running).


You can create another OverdriveNTool profile within the .ini file that applies lower minimum fan speed. You can then create another OverdriveNTool.bat file that call/applies the new profile. Run that second bat file after you are done mining.


As stated on the tuning page:

"While XMR-Stak is running, use the GUI to command your first card to a lower MEM_P3 speed and use the Webpage to see which XMR-Stak threads slows down. You don't have to restart the miner. You can change parameters with OverdriveNTool while the miner is running."


Likely you did not tell JJs_HashMonitor and your XMR_Stak Config.txt file the same port address.


If that is not it, try running the monitor without the script. There is a good chance it is not actually connecting to your pool (maybe a typo in the config.txt file).


Hi it's me again Frank.
Thanks! I will try that and report here. Meanwhile i have a nother question. As of now electricity cost is not a concern for me, how do you suggest should i change the settings using overdrivenTool for maximum Hashrate? I would like to go as high as possible, but i'm scared of killing my GPU from a too higly picked voltage.

It's really hard to find any info on the internet about OVERvolting the Vega


how do i run the monitor without the script?
I only know how to do it with the script as of now.


circusdad, what port address are you referring to?

I have the same issue out of the blue when it was working fine previously.


I tried the same intensity settings as you did but I am only getting 9000h/s for 6 vega 56s

there's no lcd connected to another of the gpus


I don't understand exactly what port you mean too.
I used the port of my pool address as in for example

so i used 5555 as the port. but i guess this is not it.
Can you help us out, Circusdad?


your post about cast xmr and xmr stak are really useful. but it'd be nice to rerun it with the latest version and at the same time compare it with Claymore's CryptoNote performance:


Hy, i can only get 650Hs with this config, can someone help me please?


i tried to use xmr-stack again and set this amd.txt file:

"gpu_threads_conf" : [
// gpu: gfx900 memory:3920
// compute units: 64

{ "index" : 0, "intensity" : 1800, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : 0, "strided_index" : true },

Is it gfx900 or gfx901, i have a vega 64.


I get 1000 hash with this config:
"gpu_threads_conf" : [
// gpu: gfx900 memory:3920
// compute units: 64
{ "index" : 0, "intensity" : 1800, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : 0, "strided_index" : true },

and 0 Hash with this one:

"gpu_threads_conf" : [
// gpu: gfx900 memory:3920
// compute units: 64

{ "index" : 0, "intensity" : 1800, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : 0, "strided_index" : true },
{ "index" : 0, "intensity" : 1800, "worksize" : 8, "affine_to_cpu" : 0, "strided_index" : true },
... what am i doing wrong?


That is a good idea. I will put that on the to-do list. Thanks.


(Sorry for the late reply. Reddit is a MUCH better way to get to me then this comment form). I am not talking about the mining port. I am talking about the port you provide for ""httpd_port" : 0," in the config.txt file.... needs to be the same as the port you tell JJHashMonitor.

As for starting miner without script. Just double click on xmr-stak.exe and watch it mine. Does it start properly? Does it connect to the pool with good shares? That is what I was suggesting you check.


That is about 1500 per Vega... those sound like they might be hash dropped numbers. try this...


Hey Plopes... This is not the best location to work detailed tech support. I created a slack channel today (link is now on top of the main guide). Can you join and then and direct message me there. I will try and help.


My vega is running steadily now, thanks to your guide, but i havent apply the jj hash monitor yet. couple of things i wanna ask:
1. do the soft power play table affect memory timings just like we flash the card bios?
2. i have rigs with only 1 vega and 5 rx 560 card, can we use the jj hashmonitor to this rig or any other rig that doesnt have vegas in it?


Hey Ardhi. So glad the guide got your working! Please join and use the slack channel for any other questions. Would love to see your there :-)
(1) The soft power play tables do change the speed your core/memory runs when at various loading levels, but it does not not change the timings. It is not the same as a flash bios mod.
(2) I use JJsHashMonitor in a mix rig with Vega and Rx 550's. Works awesome. Use it whenever you have a Vega in the system. (If it were a rig with zero vega's then using the monitor would not be necessary)


Thanks for the help. I have 2x AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 16GB - Were these a complete waste of money?


Hi, I wanna ask question about my vega..

I have 2x64 vegas .. and 3x56 vegas..

1 of the 56 vegas has weard hashrate... I wanna ask if you think this vega slowly going to die..

I tried different riser, different PCIE line on boards , i switch bios {hw bios} on vega, and still same result


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im using cast xmr miner, and screen crash , what am im missing?

GPu:1408mhz mem 1100mhz
default clock: 7125074mhz mem :1100mhz

are my readings normal?


Slack link not working, thnx for all you do, 1 question been trying to run 4 simultaneous threads on cryptonight using my FEs on xmr stak (I normally use Cast XMR) by splitting the 16Gb Mem in 4x4Gb parts, I get almost there but not quite, any ideas? just to let you know i'm running super stable 12xVega64 (2 rigs x6) claymore on ETH @ 45.2MH/s and 2xVegaFE @ 46.4MH/s, calculated hashrate on Nanopool is closer to 700MH/s over 60% of the day rather than the reported 624MH/s.


Thank you for your support. It's very easy to understand and practice. I have a problem with my vega 64. I can't adjust the numbers that you showed in the Step 8 (Tune Vegas) and when my card runs, the hashrate is just 1300 hz and the temperature is too high (70-80 C). It only runs for a while and shut down suddenly. Can you help me? Please help me through my email: Thanks you very very much!



I am receiving an error from Precious Guardian, "-r1 not found, not fatal, continuing", anyone have an idea what this means and how to fix it?


Thank you for this website. Once my miner is stable and mining for a while I will definitely contribute to your work :)

I have 2 questions:
1) I've followed all the steps of using DDU in safe mode etc. But after Block Chain driver installation, when i add 3 Vega cards system is running fine and mining. When I add the 4th the start button stops responding. There seems to be some conflict with drives. Also while running the miner the screen flashes once quickly and one of the cards stop hashing, this shouldn't be happening as I am using iGPU for display and all the Vegas have nothing connected to them. After restarting PC, disabling/reenabling Vegas in device manager this sometimes goes away sometimes doesn't. It's a hit or miss. I feel my system is not doing a good job once I install the 4th and 5th Vega card. Any idea what is going on??
I have Asus Prime H270+CSM MB with total 6xPCIe slots. I have attached each card with riser to MB, 8GB RAM, 120GB HDD, 60GB Page file.

2) In the amd.txt file where I have to change the intensity, how do i determine which card is Vega 56 vs 64? Do I follow the order in registry (which is easy as every new card takes a number like 0001,0002,0003 etc) or do I follow the order of OverdriveNTool?

Please let me know.



Hi. I have my 2 x vega's running using minergate, which I started on just to get going, as it was sismples... I need to stick to MinerGate for a short while, till I build up the minumim transfer amount, tho I could use their pool... They charge 1 or 1.5% fee, so want out.
I've followed the instructions here, however, I can't seem to get xmrstack hashing, tho it seems to check the GPU's are OK, but then "cannot connect to server, retrying..."
I wondered if someone might check my batch file and see if there's an error?

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That is an OverdriveNTool error. There is likely something wrong in your config file relating to that line.


hello, recently I'm in this world. Your guide is really very important! Soon I will support you with a small donation of mine.


I was wondering why the miner cant find stak http and always restarts... any solution?? Do i have to instal apache or something similar??

Waiting for STAK HTTP daemon to start (with a 60 seconds count down and after that the Guardian restarts teh miner) Can you help?


the original profile does not work with the new xmr aeon stak. I got half the hashrate as before

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Hey all just fyi when mining cryptonight heavy you might want to install amd settings too for blockchain driver. Since you need to Toggle the "HBCC Memory Segment" link


Please check my hashrate monitor program, it has zero fee and works quite well!


excellent and thorough guide.

set up my rig manually for monero mining without doing all the steps, after doing all the work found this guide :)

will do all the tweaks as to improve my performance and stability. and give you my feedback when finished.

thanks again for sharing

This comment has been removed by the author.

The "intensity" used in this guide (1932) is not divisible by the "worksize" (8). I believe using an "intensity" of (1928 or 1936) is better for stability and hashrate will average higher. Otherwise i am getting great results. Thanks.


Hi CircusDad!
Thank you for your excellent guide and tutorial. This inspired me so much. By looking at all the steps needed to setup a Vega-based MONERO Miner, I've ended up coding my own miner monitor. The monitor automatically enables Compute Mode for both Vega and AMD RX 4XX/5XX cards, automatically restarts when hashdrop is detected and allows remote management via chatbot.

It does a lot more of that JJ's Precious Guardian does and only takes 1% of fee for doing so many things. The collected money is used to maintain the backend infrastructure behind MinerGuard.

Please give it a try!


Thank you so much for your guide! Just wondering, are you still using blockchain drivers? I hear of people using 18.6.1 as apparently you dont need to disable/enable with every start up and also the monitor can be turned off without problems, what are your thoughts?

Thank you once again!


Hello, I was curious if anyone was able to get an 8 card vega 56x running smooth with out seeing errors, I feel when I do any more than six I run into issues.


Have you done any testing with the new version of XMR-STAK on GitHub? Running out of time before the fork and I'm having problems setting gpu intensity in the amd file. Looks like they've changed some things.



Thanks for this awesome guide!
One thing I didn't see is your PSU management.
How do you manage to feed 7 VEGAs? What PSU you believe is the best balance (money / performance)?



I have 4 VEGA64 and 1 VEGA56. I use 1 1300 watt power supply to power it up. No external fans.
I monitor the power consumption at the wall (power recepticle) - about 1200 watt when mining.
VEGA 64 generates about 44.2 MH/s, VEGA 56 generates about 40.1 MH/s.
System is stable - no crashes in last 4 days.
I have used the recommended profile for the VEGA 64 - and tweaked a bit the recommended profile for the VEGA 56 (reduced the MHz in GPU P7 and P3 in Memory by 50 - all the rest is untouched.
I have reduced the power target % by 26% for the VEGA 64 and by 20% for the VEGA 56.


What miner u use?? those stats its almost impossible for me.. i have tried everything!!!


Howdy! It is great to hear from you but please do not use this comment form if you are looking for troubleshooting assistance. Please use the slack channel or message me on Reddit instead. I am happy to help when I can but please also remember that this is a free online resource and my ability to respond to user specific issues is limited.

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